Friday, April 3, 2009

The seven warning signs

Danger lurks everywhere. Even when you protect yourself against the myriad dangers of the world, you still are vulnerable to the myriad dangers of your own self – your habits, your emotions, and above all your intellect. These days everyone is commendably obsessed with keeping their bodies sound, but do YOU have the sound mind which is required in that sound body? Are you thinking straight and true, or has your thinking become deviant and depraved?

Read this list of warning signs:

  1. Do you ever think alone?

  2. Do you ever think more than you had planned to?

  3. Do you ever think for more than two days in a row, or over a weekend?

  4. Has thinking ever caused trouble for you on the job?

  5. Do you think in front of the children?

  6. Have you ever argued with your spouse while thinking?

  7. Are you thinking as you read this?

Now here's what your answers mean:

If you answered Yes to one or more of these questions: Your problems will only get worse. No one likes a problem thinker. If you can't control your thinking you're certain to get in trouble some day. New miracle drugs control problem thinking easily and with a minimum of side effects – you have no excuse for not getting help. Seek out a member of a helping profession now.

If you answered No to all of the questions: You are a credit to your community, a responsible citizen on whom your fellow citizens can and do depend. People are attracted to you, and your career path leads to some exciting destinations! Your self-esteem is high, and where others see difficulty, you see challenge! It sure beats being one of those losers with warning signs, doesn't it?

The Seven Warnign Signs © John FitzGerald, 2000

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