Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The natural superiority of Christianity

Guest post by televangelist John Hazee

There are none so blind as those who will not see. And friends, today there is a plague of blindness on this land. A plague, moreover, which afflicts Christians, and keeps them from the service they owe to Jesus!

Yes, friends, many of our professed brothers and sisters in Christ have been struck blind by demonic power! How else can you explain their failure to deal efficiently and effectively with the anti-Christian forces which are gathering around us and threatening to put the Christian light back under a bushel!

One of the leading demonic forces is an evolutionary biologist, whose evil book The God Delusion sat atop the bestseller lists for weeks like the devil surveying his mighty works in Hell. And what have Christians decided to do when confronted with arguments that evolutionary biology disproves the truths of the Bible? Why, their response boils down to “Does not!”

Oh, yes, they came up with Intelligent Design. Proponents of Intelligent Design argue that since certain features of living organisms are supposedly too complex for us to understand, they must have been produced by an intelligent creator. Friends, I don’t understand what Paris Hilton does with her life, but that doesn’t imply that her life is the product of intelligence.

What is the correct way to respond to evolutionary biology? Friends, the answer is simple. When David went to fight Goliath, did he think “What I’ll do, see, is persuade him that he’s got the wrong ideas about us”? No, he didn’t. He thought “I’m going to beat this giant on his own terms,” and that’s what he did.

And we can beat the evolutionists on their own terms, using their own evolutionary principles! Evolutionary biology holds that species evolve by natural selection of organisms with superior characteristics which make them more likely than other members of their species or of other species to survive. Well, if we look at religions from an evolutionary perspective, what do we find?

First, we find that Christianity has evolved considerably over the two thousand years of its existence. At first a humble doctrine of obedience and love preached by impoverished members of the peasantry, it is now a collection of giant corporate enterprises whose leaders command the attention of the great and powerful and who live in affluence to rival that of the rich and powerful!

Furthermore, as a result of evolving to this highly selected condition, Christianity has become the dominant religion on the planet! Hallelujah!

After spending a thousand years evolving as it repelled repeated attacks from Asian pagans and middle eastern Muslims, Christianity was finally able to burst forth from Europe, conquer its traditional enemies, and then spread round the world as it made and conquered new enemies! Hallelujah!

Vastly outnumbered by Hindus, Christians conquered Hindustan and ruled it for hundreds of years! Hallelujah!

Christians were out numbered in Africa, but they conquered African Muslims and the adherents of all the other religions found there and ruled that vast continent for nearly a century! Hallelujah!

When adherents of Shinto tried to enslave the millions of the far east, Christians dropped atomic bombs on them! Hallelujah!

When adherents of Islam destroyed the World Trade Center, our Christian leaders destroyed Iraq! Hallelujah!

Christianity is the superior product of millennia of evolution which have made it the dominant spiritual and ethical force in the world. Richard Dawkins and others like him are mere evolutionary curiosities – random mutations whose function is to amuse us for a short while with their curious features before they are condemned to the evolutionary dead end of extinction.

How far do you think Richard Dawkins would get if he invaded Iraq?

The natural superiority of Christianity © 2007, John FitzGerald

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